Red Pill Pages

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Credo Mutwa presents: The True History of Africa

Think you know a lot about Africa? Watch this video and find out the REAL story. Find out things that you are not supposed to know. Find out things the powers that be don't want you to know. Watch this video and find out things you've always suspected but weren't politically correct in speaking. Open up your mind because some of the things mentioned will be quite unbelievable. You have to let go of everything you were taught about Africa and the African people....This will blow your mind!!!

Note from David Icke:
"Credo Mutwa presents a cultural and historical view you are not likely to encounter in your regular history books. What I have found most fascinating are the stories related to some of Credo Mutwa's personal experiences. This is the real version of Africas history - not the history given to Africa by white colonists."

Saturday, September 18, 2010

William Cooper & His Death [Video]

Most of us have either read or have heard of the book "Behold A Pale Horse" By William Cooper. And although we might know who William Cooper is, a lot of us really don't know who William Cooper IS. Here is a man who stood up and spoke out about what he knew not only to get that information out to the people, but to spread the knowledge to any one and every one who would listen and believe. I've posted several videos in this entry so that YOU can learn the real story of Mr. Cooper and why he was killed. Spreading the knowledge isn't easy, and nobody ever said it was. But what William Cooper (Bill) did leave us with besides all the information he aquired was this advice: 

"Read everything, Listen to everybody, And don't trust anything unless you can prove it with your research."  ~ William Cooper 1943-2001
I encourage you to read his book Behold A Pale Horse when you get a chance, it's a great book filled with information and don't be afraid to study what he says and research it. I will warn you that he does take you to a whole nother level so just be sure your mind is open and you're ready for what you read in that book.

Click below to watch the videos.

From Bad To Worse? US Face of Poverty [VIDEO]

I remember during the 2008 presidential elections, Obama while running for office kept saying over and over and over what he was going to do for the "MIDDLE CLASS".  I anxiously awaited to hear him just once mention what he was going to do for the "POOR". Sadly and to my expectation it never happened. Im beginning to wonder if the word "Poor" is even in his vocabulary....never once do I recall him even saying that word, let alone speaking anything about this widely populated class of people. I mean really....think about it. When did you ever hear Obama say ANYTHING about the poor here in America? It's always been the middle class right? I grew up middle class so I know what it is to live like that, and the way I and many others I know who grew up Middle Class are living now? Well, let's just say, THIS ain't it! I'll tell you what it is though....right now, it's an everyday struggle! 

So as I sit here and look at these people in the video below, although some of us are not as bad off, the only thing keeping most of us from being just like them is a matter of one paycheck and a little bit of time. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Feuds led Pa. woman to shoot colleagues

PHILADELPHIA — A Kraft Foods plant worker who had been suspended for feuding with colleagues, then escorted from the building, returned minutes later with a handgun, found her foes in a break room and executed two of them with a single bullet each and critically wounded a third, police said Friday.

Yvonne Hiller, 43, had gotten into an argument Thursday evening with her co-workers at the northeast Philadelphia plant, police said. After she was disciplined, she went to her vehicle, made several phone calls, and then grabbed a .357 Magnum and used it to force her way past security guards at the front gate.

About 100 people were at work at the plant, which makes Nabisco cookies and crackers.
Hiller walked to the third-floor mixing area and found four people in the break room. She had no quarrels with one woman and told her to leave. She then opened fire on the others, Philadelphia Homicide Capt. James Clark said.