Red Pill Pages

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Drugs disguised as bath salts send users to ERs

Some have attacked family members, committed suicide after using MDVP

The Associated Press

Dangerous new drugs are being sold as fake bath salts, fake fertilizer or fake insect repellent — and sending drug abusers to emergency rooms around the country after snorting or smoking them, poison center officials say.

At least 84 people around Louisiana have been hospitalized because of paranoia, fighting, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts and physical effects such as hypertension and rapid heartbeat — most for a day or two but at least three of them for weeks, Mark Ryan, head of the Louisiana Poison Center, said Wednesday.

Although they're labeled as bath products or even poison, always including the warning "Not for human consumption," word on the street and the Internet is that they can be sniffed as "legal cocaine" or "legal speed," Henry A. Spiller, director of the Kentucky Regional Poison Center in Louisville, said Wednesday.

FCC Passes Net Neutrality Order

Puts in place three rules to reflect how Web operates 

- Katy Bachman

Private business, entrepreneurs and students in college dorm rooms nurtured and grew the Internet since it was privatized in 1994. Now the regulators take over.

In a bold move, the Federal Communications Commission asserted its authority over the Internet Tuesday (Dec. 21), passing a controversial net neutrality order to make sure the Internet stays free and open. It’s the first time the FCC has adopted enforceable rules to regulate the Internet.

More body scanners are coming to an airport near you

By Derek Kravitz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 26, 2010

The full-body scanners in use at 78 U.S. airports can detect small amounts of contraband and hidden weapons, all while producing controversial images of travelers.

The "good catches," federal officials say, have largely gone unnoticed amid the criticism that erupted over the ghostly X-rays and "enhanced" pat-downs. The Transportation Security Administration, which intensified airport screening last month, points to several successes: small amounts of marijuana wrapped in baggies, other drugs stitched inside underwear, ceramic knives concealed in shirt pockets.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Halliburton Case and Corruption in Nigeria

In case you didn't know about this, or had no idea it was ever going on well...that's what you've got me for, Im gonna make sure you know whatever I know. Guess Im just cool like that. Alright, watch the video below and Im gonna show you somethin'. And as you watch REMEMBER that G.W. Bush, Poppy Bush, Chaney, and a host of other governmental figures that you know, ALL own shares in Halliburton. Also pay attention near the end when the brotha says THEY were trying to kill him for exposing the corruption but he survived....FOR NOW.