Red Pill Pages

Friday, April 17, 2020

Exclusive: Secret Military Task Force Prepares to Secure the U.S. Capital

I had soooooo many questions after reading this article, but I guess the main one is....Who stands to gain??? So much for things done in 'secret'.

NOTE: I copy & pasted the article so we'd still have it, just in case Newsweek decides to retract the story or delete it! I've also provided the link to the article in case you wanted to verify it yourself.

Source: The ORIGINAL Article:

Exclusive: Secret Military Task Force Prepares to Secure the U.S. Capital 

District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser yesterday ordered a one-month extension of the state of emergency, as cases in the region grow at a rapid pace. Federal officials in the nation's capital expect a New York-like epidemic in the District, Maryland and Virginia, one that could potentially cripple the government.

"No one wants to talk evacuation, especially when there's nowhere to go," says a senior military officer working on continuity of government planning; he requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak on the record.

But a little-known military task force charged with evacuating Washington has already been activated, a task force charged with the most sensitive government mission of "securing" Washington in the face of attackers, foreign and domestic—and if necessary, moving White House and other key government offices to alternate locations.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Trump Reverses His Own Authority About Opening America Back Up

He [Trump] sure did change his mind quick. He went from, "Im the President, I call the shots!" to "I'll let each of the Governors make the decision." a couple days later. 'What a difference a day makes'!

Dr. Fauci describes 'rolling reentry' for US’ return to normal

So when Trump was talking about reopening the US yesterday,  these are the guidelines to getting us back to normal. This is the plan for what they call a "Rolling Reentry", as explained by Dr. Fauci....