Red Pill Pages

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Some Things YOU Need To Remember......


You are not a man or woman. You are considered a thing. . .
part of a group or an economic unit hooked into the grid of society, a willing slave to your bank account, a willing slave to your credit cards, a willing slave to your school loans. With every new purchase using credit, with every advancement in what you perceive to be life requires a government or bank loan, you sink further into debt and further into voluntary bondage. This debt allows those with money to enslave and control you.


When you're born you become a number. As the number, you reap profit as you grow and work in an illusionary "free" system to help build the collective tax base. The tax base in turn is used to form and engage in a class system that feeds the wealthy. The vast numbers that make up the fabricated American State are used as a tacit slave force to help fund and establish an Industrial Union through income taxation as directed by the likes of a thing called Marxism. You unwittingly work for the good of the orchestrated global family for the benefit of the controlling class.


Benjamin Franklin said, "When you run into debt, you give another power over your liberty." And under the law of God The borrower is SERVANT to the lender. LOOK IT UP: Proverbs 22:7. As you work yourself further into debt, you give more of your life away to those with whom you are borrowing, not to mention being in willing disobedience to God. Furthermore, you are also being held responsible for the debt that is created by the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. The owners of the Federal Reserve dictate the economy, the monetary values, and how you will pay back what you owe. In the end, you will have spent your life in serious, endless debt, because you believe that it is the only way to live as a functional American.


You live in a society where you believe you exist as a man or a woman. You believe you are bettering yourself and working your way toward a goal of financial independence; but in reality, you exist to better the global economy in benefit of the Elite. You exist as a source of life for the ruling class. In the real world, you are blinded by the illusion of necessity. . .

, man has tried with varying rates of failure to control other men for the purpose of gaining more power. Poor men want to be rich, rich men want to be king, and kings want to be god. This adage has proved true time and time again. Today, in the United States, more than 250 million people have bought into this adage and exist in a system created for global corporate profit. Unfortunately, the real world offers broader opportunities for success to those in a position to take advantage. At the same time, it scars those who can not reap its benefits.

"You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. . . a prison, for your mind."

Morpheus~ The Matrix


"The surest way to overthrow an existing social order is to debauch the currency."

This whole economy crisis is not by chance, ask yourself "WHO STANDS TO GAIN?" I can assure you it's not the American people. Don't let silly things like trying to prove Obama's a terrorist because of the people he once knew, or that he's Muslim because of his name, deter you from what's REALLY going on. STAY FOCUSED! Do not allow yourself to be distracted. If these things were true TRUST me he would NOT be running for president and he would not had held ANY office in government. Be more concerned with the government taking over these banking institutions and what that means for YOU. Be more concerned about the Marshal Law they're trying to impliment and us being fed a pack of lies about how it's for our own good. Be more concerned about you're being considered a slave. THESE are the things you need to be mindful of and watching out for. STAY FOCUSED, STAY FOCUSED.....STAY FOCUSED!!!!

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