Red Pill Pages

Friday, April 8, 2011

NWO: Diagrams & Flow Charts

NWO: Diagrams, Flow Charts, and How U.S. Policy-Making is Controlled and Channeled.      [click on the pictures to make them bigger]

Here's how the power structure functions, according to Dr. John Coleman, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300.

How United States Policy-Making is Controlled and Channeled:

Issues are Created and Decided By:
The Committee of 300, Royal Families, Top Illuminati Members, the Nine Unknown Men (Masonry), Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

Decisions Given for Execution To:
The Royal Institute for International Affaris: consisting of key members connected by bloodlines and oligarchic family ties. Every major city in the West is controlled by this simple but effective method.

Research is Carried Out By:
Universities, Foundations, Think Tanks, Institutes: e.g., Hudson, MIT, Stanford, IPS, Business Round Table, Milner Group, The American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, Brookings, Population Council, RAND Institute.

Orders Executed By:
Level 1 Planning Groups: Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Cini Foundation, National Security Council, Club of Rome, Morgan Bank (U.S.) Operations Coordination Board backed up by Interfaced Corporations, Banks, Insurance Companies.

Decisions and assassination orders carried out by:
Intelligence Agencies, NSA, M16, CIA, FBI counter-intelligence (Division 5), Note: CIA and M16 elicit covert support from France (DGSE), Israel (Mossad), Australia (ASIO), Canada (SIS), Egypt (Mukhabaral el-Am), Japan (Naicho-Cabinet Research Office).

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