Red Pill Pages

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Media Blackout Ordered As UK Begins Mass Burials

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Disturbing reports from Britain today are showing that their government has invoked their dreaded Official Secrets Act as a mysterious pandemic sweeps their Nation leaving an, estimated, 3,000 people dead and leaving ‘no choice’ for British Health Officials but to begin mass burials.

British media sources are reporting on this pandemic as being due to a virus, and as we can read as reported by Guardian News Service in their report titled "Vomiting bug to get worse", and which says:

"Infections from the debilitating Norovirus stomach bug will peak this week as millions return to work after the holidays and spread the germs, the government has warned. The virus, which was responsible for closing more than 100 hospital wards last week and Doctors estimate that more than 100,000 people a week are catching the infection - and the rate may peak this week as the virus takes the opportunity to spread in the workplace and classrooms.  

Reported cases of the illness from early December are at a five-year-high, but the real figure is likely to be much greater as most sufferers do not seek medical attention. People struck down have been urged by GPs not to go back to work until the symptoms have fully disappeared." 

Russian scientists, however, though noting that the Norovirus is indeed a highly contagious disease, are in disagreement with their British counterparts and are stating that the symptoms being reported by the British victims being attacked by this disease are more consistent with a variant of the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus which the United Kingdom has been reporting numerous outbreaks of this past year.

Russian Health Authorities were, also, highly critical of the British Governments decision in mid-December to lift their remaining restrictions following an outbreak of the deadly Avian Flu in southeastern England, but even more strongly condemned Britain’s decision to allow the continued sale to their citizens of poultry for their Christmas season.

To the fullest truth of this mysterious disease affecting millions of British citizens, and which has now been reported in Ireland, it is not in our knowing, but what is a matter of record is Britain’s Health Authorities engaging in cover-ups to hide from their people the true and catastrophic deaths attributed to disease, and as we can read as reported by London’s Daily Mail News Service:

"Edwin died on April 12 last year aged 82. He had been in hospital for just a fortnight after complaining of feeling frail while on holiday. Although Edwin had suffered from rectal cancer in the past, the disease was in remission and Joan says that he was expected to make a full recovery at the hospital - until he caught C. diff.  
His death, and thousands of others, lie at the heart of a growing scandal over NHS superbugs. Yesterday Tory leader David Cameron said hospitals should be fined for every patient who catches an infection on their wards. But would such a crackdown just lead to more secrecy about superbugs? 
In 2006 almost 56,000 elderly hospital patients caught C. diff, which is spread by poor hygiene, dirty hands and soiled bedding. Amazingly, we still don't know how many of these people died because the figures have not yet been released by the NHS. In 2005, the latest year that death statistics for C. diff were available, 3,807 hospital patients died, a rise of almost 70 per cent over the previous 12 months.  
But the truth is that this figure may be utterly meaningless because many people, including Joan, believe there is a cover-up over the figures.  
As this investigation has discovered, when a person dies from a hospital superbug the details are often left off the death certificate. The practice has become so widespread that last autumn the Government's chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, wrote to hospitals and doctors warning them that any dishonesty has to stop.

Of the greatest concern, however, of these events are the British peoples following the dangerous path of their American counterparts by consuming vast quantities of genetically modified (GM) foods, and which scientific reports have proven allow new viruses to enter the human body leading to weakened immune systems.

 It is interesting to note, too, that while the death toll mounts in Britain from this mysterious pandemic, the French government, and seeing the disaster unfolding in their European neighbor, is contemplating the total ban of all genetically modified crops in their country.

As our World continues its entrance to this new century, and as our Global food supply continues to plummet, and as new diseases continue their rampage, it remains to be seen if the Western World will ever awaken to threat they have created, not just to themselves, but to the entire human race..

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]

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